Category: Blog Posts

4 Spiritual Pick-Me-Ups

If you’ve been feeling like you’re in a spiritual rut, try out these 4 simple things to get the spiritual boost you need.

Are You a Soldier or a Sculptor?

Imagine life is a battlefield and you are a soldier. Every day, you go out and fight. And every day, you are shot at from all sides—by sins and temptations and weaknesses. You try your best to avoid getting wounded, but in this battle of life, it inevitably happens. Over and over and over. Sound…
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Prayer Mad Lib

I’ve always had a hard time keeping my prayers meaningful, so I came up with this graphic as a way to help my prayers be less repetitive or robotic. It makes such a difference when I pray in detail—it helps me feel closer to God, like we’re actually having a conversation, and it also helps…
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“Most”: A Powerful Short Film

Today’s message is not so much of a thought as a recommendation. I watched this short film on Sunday, and I haven’t been able to stop thinking about it since. It’s a powerful, moving film in its own merit. But when you view it through the lens of Christianity, it makes it even more powerful.…
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Who Is Your God?

The Primary program is coming up in my branch, and I’ve been practicing with my girls what they’re going to say. Before the kids sing “I am a Child of God,” my 3-year-old, Sophia, is going to say, “I know that God is my Heavenly Father.” Pretty simple, right? Well, we were practicing the other…
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When You Have a Bad Day

Today’s tip: Turn a bad day into good data Don’t let your mistakes go to waste! Learn from them to make the next day better.


My thought today is … that I haven’t actually prepared a thought. And I’ve learned that that’s okay. But really—have you ever set a goal for yourself (in this case, post a spiritual thought every Thursday) and kind of freaked out when you realized you couldn’t do it? Or is that just me and my…
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Hindsight is 20/20

During hard times, imagine your future self telling a friend what you went through and what you learned. After all, hindsight is 20/20! Imagining that hindsight right now will improve your vision of the present.

“A Prayer for You”

“On the palms of the Savior is your name an engraving, because YOU are worth hearing and healing and saving.” Below is a poem I once wrote for a friend. It’s a message that I think we all need to be reminded of. (Written for a female audience. Sorry, men!)  “A Prayer for You” Dear…
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Media Choices

Evaluate your media choices with two simple questions: 1. What message is this sending?2. Do I agree with this message? Don’t support anything on a screen or page that you don’t support in your heart and mind.